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 You CAN do better
...for your pet's health & probably for your own as well

 Natural Remedy & Supplement

At the Better Medicine
Naturally store, we offer the same safe and effective remedies that we have developed and assiduously upgraded often over the past 20 years in our own veterinary practice - using ONLY human food-grade Natural ingredients. What we feed our pets directly impacts their health just as in humans.  As in "conventional medicine" generally, the vast majority of veterinarians fail to fully  appreciate the famous quote from Hippocrates, "Let FOOD be thy MEDICINE" - and in so doing - deprive their clients/patients of the most reliable, lasting, and most miraculous potential health solutions!  Our reward and motivation at Better Medicine Naturally is to hear YOUR story of joyful triumph over illness and  [dis]ease...Naturally!!


Do you need urgent (emergency) advice?  This is a LIMITED consultation service, and might well NOT reduce or eliminate the need for you to visit an animal emergency hospital.  Upon taking your call, we will make a quick assessment of your specific situation (be ready to answer a series of rapid-fire questions) in order to direct you in the best possible direction and optimize your efforts and outcome.   This is VIRTUAL TRIAGE - be aware that the better the QUALITY (not quantity) of information we can efficiently gather from you, the better the advice which can be yielded from this consultation!  Be ready to hear about
Natural Solutions if/when deemed appropriate!
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Comprehensive Consultation

This is our CORE service - while urgent situations require quick and decisive action, chronic & unresolved illness & disease call for thoughtful, sustained analysis for successful problem solving.  Every health situation is unique and special.  Prior treatment failures, inconclusive or inaccurate diagnoses, and other medical maladies are individual challenges for which every scrap of medical history needs to be reviewed & accounted for.  We strive to evolve toward and arrive at
NATURAL solutions, but this is not always achievable 'overnight' & transitional approaches may be necessary.   Achieving optimal outcomes OFTEN REQUIRES an Integrative Approach!   Naturally, we believe that CHOICE and freedom should reign supreme in our health and wellness decisions.
What is unique about Better Medicine Naturally?
"Better Medicine Naturally" is an online alternative, complementary, and integrative medical foundation - established after practicing as a veterinarian for over forty years.  Countless hours have been spent combing through research data and findings from around the world in designing and applying natural  solutions  to confront every day (and uncommon) problems.  Now the time has come to share this knowledge and expertise more widely.  The strategies, formulas, and insights we've discovered - incorporating the many available diagnostic and treatment options - involve helping and equipping people to better navigate an often confusing and intimidating labyrinth of information. The GOAL is to ALWAYS AIM HIGHER => for better results and outcomes!  Many clients come to us frustrated after being led through endlessly unproductive wild-goose-chases where a little bit of common sense might have preserved precious time and resources.  There ARE times when high-tech alternatives may yield quick and comparatively painless solution...such options MUST be critically assessed on whether they offer permanent remedy (or not) AND what complication(s) might be anticipated.There is no replacement for the wider perspective of a long career in ANY field if/when one has remained fully engaged and never stopped asking the hard questions.   We have drawn extensively from alternative health and medical databases (human AND animal - recognizing species differences AND similarities) that confound and contradict conventional Western medical "wisdom".   Balance, insight, and critical thinking - in problem-solving - WILL always prevail in the just might not always be "popular" because SO many seek "quick-fixes".  Comprehensive understanding and utilization of ALL available information is the focus and the goal needing to be relentlessly pursued to optimize your pet's health and wellness - an exercise (as we have often observed) just might (also) help save your OWN life!   

 Gaylon TeSlaa, DVM

Natural Health Solutions...the way nature intended!

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